Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My active world

My active world...

I have started working out to play football... yes football. My two boys love football and they are both playing this fall, so I got to keep up with my little men (lol). I love every second of it. I am 40 years old and I just can't stop wanting to play sports. I feel born again every time I play or teach sports. Is this wrong? I hope not, because if so I just don't want to be right.
My commitment to my family tells me that I have to work hard at staying healthy. Staying healthy doesn't just mean physically, it also means mentally. Through sports, I am almost guaranteed to do both.
I hope for success in life and love for everyone. No one should have one without the other. Good luck to all and enjoy the blessings bestowed upon each and everyone of you.
My active world will continue and I will always thank the good lord above for everything. Thank you for a great semester.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A new voice...

When I started my blog, I had no choice.
Now, I found my new voice.
With every blog, I grow with every word
Now with my new found voice, I can be heard.
I have choice
With my new voice.....

Thank you...

I will continue to stay young (if only in my mind) and keep thanking the good lord for blessing me with life.

Everyone, please keep the faith. Remember, patience is a skill we all must learn. Keep it real!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back on track...

All week long, I worked hard in school and at work. All week long, I played hard in baseball, tennis and basketball. I enjoy all this because of the company I keep, my wife and kids. I further enjoy it because now I feel so happy for my mom. The adventures of life become enjoyable when one can endure dramatic events that test our resolve. My family and I always make sure we schedule "our" time. It does not matter how but we make time for each other. This week our time comes in the form of sports and home improvement. We go from summer basketball leagues to tennis tournaments to little league baseball. In the course of all this, we started making home improvements. We restructured and painted the bathrooms and kitchen. The fun part is, we are doing it together.
I know it seems like too much but as tired as I am, I love it! The time spent with my loved ones is important to me. Through sports or any other activity, we enjoy each other. My active world is my life's work, my life's work is the time spent with my family. Thank God and all his love for allowing us to enjoy this miracle called life.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Active life continues

Hello everyone,

This week has been much better for my family. We just got the good news that my mom is going to be fine. All the test that were performed, all the poking and probing, has revealed.... NOTHING! My mom is cancer free and we are so thankful and appreciative to the good lord above for answering our prayers. We celebrated this great news with tears of joy, nervous laughter, huge exhaling and above all hugs and kisses. I am not considered to be an emotional person, but one can not help but to be just that. The best part is that we stayed united in this fight and once again God provided us with the gift of life. My mom is OK, wow! That feels so great to say. My mom is OK, sorry had to say it again. Thank God for blessing us with this gift of life and allowing us to be blessed with so much love.
Now my active life, which did take a back sit, will indeed continue. Thank you for given me this forum to vent. The miracle of life is our greatest blessing, lets not waste it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Waiting and waiting and waiting some more....

I preach to everyone that patience is a virtue that we must all practice. Now, I pray every night that good lord above grants me the strength to be patient for my mom.
We go on with our daily lives in the hopes for a better tomorrow, but no one says it will be easy. I must practice what I preach and allow my faith to be strong.
The courage that my mom has demonstrated over the last several years has been all inspiring. It allows us as a family to continue to hold on and never lose hope, faith and love. My family is very resilient and my mom is the catalyst. Here's to never losing faith and allowing ourselves to believe in miracles.
My active lifestyle has bee a bit derailed. I have since used my time to be there at my moms side hoping to be her strength and courage the way she has always been for me.
I still go to my sons tennis tournaments and i still coach my nephews baseball team, but I just want to use this format to allow myself to vent or express my feelings. Thank you

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Not a good week guys...

My heart is aching, my mind is clouded and my pain is never ending. The reason, my mom. She has been through so much in the last couple of years and now she is being tested yet again. You see, my mom has suffered and survived ovarian cancer. She was strong and never deterred from her faith. She was true to her hope, her faith and her love. Now comes news that she MIGHT have another form of cancer developing in her breasts. When told of this news, she was devastated. Through her devastation, she smiled and with the tears rolling down her face she told us not to worry. You know I can't help to worry.
My heart is aching, my mind is clouded and my pain is never ending. The reason.... my mom.
I know this is not the usual entry, but its my way of coping right now. We (my family and my mom) are strong in the mist of adversity, we have love in the wake of this test and we have each other. Faith is never missing, hope is never lacking and love will be our eternity.
God bless the most beautiful woman... My Mom.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Enjoying the family

We had a huge family get together this past Saturday. We ate like there was no tomorrow and played wiffleball, basketball and tag football. Wow! so exhausting. It was all worth it, love being with the family.
My nephew continued his rein in little league baseball. His team has won the last tournament with a 11 to 10 victory. It was a good thing because we were able to enjoy our family picnic. You know the old saying, nothing tastes better than the sweet taste a victory. Let me tell you, those hot dogs, hamburgers, rice, baked ziti and everything else really taste GREAT! after victory. LOL!
My son is getting so good at tennis. He entered another tennis instructional tournament and finished in third place. This time it wasn't with beginners, it was with the rookie division. I am very proud of him.
This week we have been exercising to burn off all those pounds we gained during this past weekends feast. I am also training with my son, he is so into tennis. I also have another tournament with my nephews little league team. It all fun and enjoyable. I would not want it any other way.
Thank all the heavens for giving me this great gift called life.